This will open the Application info menu, and in it you’ll see the app’s current icon in the top left corner. With your image copied, go to the Applications folder, right click on the applications whose icon you want to set, and select “Get Info” from the menu that pops up. Now you’ll need to copy the image, which you can do by either hitting CMD and “C” on the keyboard, or go to the “Edit” menu in the menu bar, and selecting “Copy” in the dropdown. Either way, you’ll now have your image bordered by 8 blue dots and a dotted line. Now, you’ll want to select the whole thing by hitting the CMD and “A” key at the same time, or going up to the menubar and selecting “Edit”, then “Select All” in the dropdown menu.

Once you have the image you want, open it in the Preview app, the built in PDF and picture-viewing app on Mac. Go ahead and find the image, a png or jpg should be fine, and try to find one whose proportions are 512 x 512 px.
If you really don’t want to download another app, you actually can do this without Image2Icon. Now you can go back to the Applications folder, and see your new icon be used, though sometimes it may take launching the app for you to finally see the change. icns file and see it replace the old icon. icns file you created onto that little icon, and you should see the mouse icon change to a green “+” symbol.

There will be a little picture of the icon in the top left hand corner of that window. A new window will open up on the left hand side of your Mac’s screen with more information about the app in question. Scroll until you find the application that you are changing, then right-click/control-click and select “Get Info”. Go to Finder and open the Applications folder. icns file, we can add it as the new icon for the app in question. Now you’ll be prompted to save your new icon to a location that’s easily accessible such as your Desktop or Documents. icns file, then hit the “Export” button in the bottom right hand corner, and select “ICNS” in the menu that appears. As before, have Image2Icon create your new. Not to worry, there is still a way to do it. Some applications you may have trouble setting the icon through Image2Icon. You will then see a blue wheel spin around the custom icon, followed by the Application in Finder suddenly change to your new custom icon. Using Image2Icon: With your custom icon still in place in Image2Icon, drag the actual application from Finder onto the custom icon generated in Image2Icon. Now that you’ve got your new icon, you can either use Image2Icon to set it or you can do it manually. Now you can change the icon of your app of choice. Once you’ve done this, You can set a few things such as background removal, rotating the icon, and a few other things. Drag your picture into the “Create” tab, and it will begin converting into into a ICNS file, which is a pretty quick process. Once you’ve installed it, the app is fairly straightforward.
For this tutorial though, the free version should be just fine. While it has some paid features, such as pre-made folder icons and templates, turning app icons into standard image files, converting pictures into the Window icons file type, and a few other things.
To do this, I recommend downloading the free application Image2Icon from the Mac App Store. Now you need to convert it to the ICNS file type so that your application can use it in Finder, the dock, etc. As stated earlier, I’m presuming you have the picture file you want for your custom icon.